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Family/Relationship Dysfunction: How to End the Drama – Part 1 Saturday, March 2nd 12:30

This two-part series will focus on how to recognize and reconcile family dysfunction to build healthier relationships in adulthood. We will discuss the 5 Dysfunctional Family Archetypes including The Substance Abuse Family, The Conflict Driven Family, The Violent Family, The Emotionally Detached Family, and the Authoritarian Family and delve into how these archetypes have created unhealthy behaviors as an adult. We will also help you to identify your personal childhood family role and reexamine how your role and family dynamics have influenced your current relationships, communication style, and sense of self-worth. Our goal is to break unhealthy generational patterns through healthy communication, self-care, personal accountability, setting appropriate boundaries, and practicing gratitude.

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Recovery Café Arizona

2992 N Alma School Road
Suite 3
Chandler AZ, 85224

(480) 530 7090

Closed Sunday and Monday

Open 9am to 4pm
Tuesday thru Saturday

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