Hope and Healing
at Recovery Café Arizona!
Already we are seeing the impact the Café model and the impact it can have on lives as evidenced by some of our members stories:
“Too many times I would use again and feel horrible – like a failure, it made me so mad at God! I’d cry out as tears came down my face. I was angry at a God who it seemed to me could care less. At Recovery Café Arizona I learned about HOPE and how to live ‘hopefully’ in every moment. This was huge for me, and this time I feel like I’ve got this! I now know God is on my side!” ~BB
AF’s addiction had led to prison time and complete isolation from this family but since coming to the Recovery Café Arizona and building a foundation of abstinence and love for self-first, he has been able to be reconciled to his 2 daughters and was invited to their graduation! ~ AF
On my journey through recovery the cafe has provided me with many things. First, it helps me maintain my sobriety through weekly recovery circles and 1 on 1 meetings with my recovery coach. Secondly, it provides me hope and connection with a community of people who have dealt with the same problems that addiction and alcoholism lead to. This in turn reduces my risk of relapse as well. Thirdly, the Cafe has taught me the practice of forgiveness which is essential in the path of recovery. Fourth, growth not only from a recovery standpoint but also personally is a major focus at the cafe which has had a major impact on me. Lastly, I have been able to give back and be of service to the cafe, this I now understand is a key component to maintaining my sobriety. ~ AE
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