Get Recovery

At Recovery Café, You Matter & You Are Loved
We believe that all human beings are precious, worthy of love and belonging, and deserve opportunities to fulfill their potential regardless of past trauma, mental and emotional anguish, addictive behaviors, or mistakes made.
Whether you are new to recovery or in long-term recovery, experiencing a crisis or struggling with a relapse, in a mental health transition or going through a difficult life change, the Café is a place of support and stability for all individuals seeking to break the cycle of destruction and despair.
At Recovery Café, Our Community Fosters Stability, Healing, & Recovery
Without ongoing recovery support, the challenge of maintaining stability in your mental health, relationships, housing and employment, and recovery goals may feel nearly impossible.
Recovery Café provides programming and services to build a holistic, person-centered system of care – backed by evidence-based best practices – that engages individuals for a lifetime of managing their disease and empowers them to build a life that realizes their full potential.
At Recovery Café, Our Model Transforms Lives
Recovery Café was founded in 2003 as a direct response to the critical, unmet need of long-term recovery support for those who suffer on the margins – forgotten or ignored.
We invite you to explore our membership model and programs, and to learn more about our history and nationally recognized model.
Interested in Becoming a Member?
Please fill out the information below where we can reach you. We look forward to connecting with you
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